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"Merry Christmas!"
Key Passages: Matthew 1: 18-25; Luke 1: 26-56; 2: 1-20

I remember Christmas, as the greatest time of the year. I enjoyed decorating our Christmas Tree and our House,
which help put us in the Christmas Spirit. When you entered our house at this time of year, you could always
smell the scented candles burning and see the gifts under the tree. Mom always had some good food to snack
on: chocolate covered cherries, fruit cake, sugar cookies. a cheeseball & crackers, juices and eggnog. Dad
would always get some fireworks to celebrate this occasion. Of course, Christmas Music was always playing
(Starting the day after Thanksgiving and going until New Year's Day) during this period of time. Our youth group
(Which I was very active in) at church always sang Christmas Carols in nursing homes and in various
neighborhoods. The last song, that we always sang, was "We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New
Year!" At church, we would be reminded of what Christmas was all about, through the reading of the Christmas
Story found in book of Luke and a PLAY of the "Nativity Scene." On Christmas Eve, we would open some gifts at
home, but on Christmas Day, we traveled to Grandma's house. We would always have a great feast of food and
more gifts. I, Praise the Lord, for the great memories and experiences, that I had at Christmas Time!!!

"Merry Christmas" to all! "Jesus Christ" is the reason for this season of celebration. At Christmas, Christians
celebrate the "Birth of Jesus Christ", but not the fictional "Christmas Clown." The first celebration of
Christmas, was around A.D. 200 (Clement of Alexandria wrote, that Egyptians celebrated the "Nativity"). The word
"Christmas" comes from the compound meaning "Christ's Mass", which was first recorded in the year 1038. Most
countries of the world, celebrate Christmas on December 25th, while a few others celebrate it on January 7th
(Traditional Julian Calendar). In the U.S.A. today, cities are passing laws against "Christmas" and nationally
known big retail chain stores are promoting "Happy Holidays", Instead of promoting Christmas. It's all about
"lawsuits" from atheist and about not offending anyone.

This nation (U.S.A.) was formed & founded on Christian commandments and principles found in the "Word of
God"(The Bible). If you go to Washington D.C. to visit the memorial monuments and go inside the Capital
Building, you'll see with your own eyes, that the God of the Bible (Jesus Christ) is the basis of all of our laws and
the "Rights" ,that we have today. When the "FOUNDATION" of all of our blessings are destroyed or outlawed by
our citizens, God will remove His Hand of protection from us and will discipline us with His Judgments. Christians
must be bold in all of our beliefs or we may find it against the law to practice our beliefs one day.

In closing, as you read the key passages, you'll learn of the true Christmas Story (Not once does it mention the
North Pole and its residents). According to the Bible, Jesus probably was not born on December 25th. I still
celebrate it on that date, because in the U.S.A., the date of celebration is well established. I definitely believe,
that as a Christian, it is wrong "to refuse" to celebrate this GREAT event (Because it was celebrated in the Bible).
See, it's not what day Jesus was born on, but the fact, that God's Only Begotten Son was born! This is the day,
that God's Promise of Love and fulfillment of Prophecy came down to Earth from Heaven to all mankind! I pray,
that you will put Christ First in your life, because until you do, you'll never know the great Love of God and the
true meaning of Christmas! "I WISH YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!"
The End!!!  

***Give Your Heart To Jesus Christ Everyday Of Your Life!!!

***By Evangelist Rev. Clifford M. Smith 

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