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"Who Made You The Judge?"
Key Passage (Matthew 7:1-5)

To make it clear to all, there is ONLY ONE JUDGE concerning a person's soul and his name is THE LORD
JESUS CHRIST!!! 1 realize, there are judges in criminal courts and various other judges in different areas of life,
but only one final judge in this life. This article will deal with the JUDGE of our eternal soul and how he alone(And
no one else has the right to judge other people) has the AUTHORITY and the RIGHT to judge all of our lives!

You and I are 100% "Pure Bonafide Hell Deserving Sinners!" The Bible says in Romans 3:10,23,"As it is
written, There is none righteous ,no, not one ... " and "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God ... "
So what RIGHT do you have to judge anyone about their sins. You probably have a score of sins yourself, but
they are committed in the darkness of the 'Heart"(Bitterness, Pride, Hate and etc.). The Bible says in Matt.7:1,
"Judge not, that ye be not judged." Jesus said about an "Adulterous Woman" in John 8:7, " ... He that is without sin
among you, let him first cast a stone at her." What about you, would you be worthy to cast a stone at that
adulterous woman or would you be in the same shoes as her? Praise the Lord for God's Salvation(God's gift of
eternal life -Romans 6:23).

Important Note: There are "Sins of Commission" (In which you commit, by "doing" what is wrong before God"
Known Sins") and there are "Sins of Omission"(ln which you commit "unknowingly" before God- "Sins of
Ignorance"). Here are some examples of "sins of omission": Not praying enough, not reading the Bible enough,
not serving God enough and others. There's an old saying, that says, "When you point your finger at the fault of
another, just remember, you have your other fingers pointing back at you."

In conclusion, this next statement may shock, "Even if you and I have been faithful followers of the Lord Jesus for
many years, we are all "Hypocrites"(Guilty of Hypocrisy). The Bible tells us in James 4:17, "Therefore to him that
knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Most people, like to call people "hypocrites", when they say
one thing and do another.! agree with you, but we've all been there before. Either deliberate (meant to do it) or
unintentional (we didn't mean to do it) in life. I've heard all my life about "hypocrites" in the church and why
people don't want to go to church. I go to church to praise the Lord, to hear God's message to me, to be blessed
and to be a blessing to others in the church. I believe, it makes God sick, when God's children put on a show in
church for their self-glory. Its a FACT, every church congregation on this Earth is "Not Perfect", because God's
children are still in their corrupt-fleshly bodies. I urge all of you, that want to make an excuse(Hey Everybody, 1
Was Guilty Of This Very Thing) on not going to church, because all of the "hypocrites" there. Please "Go To
Church To See Jesus Christ-Because You'll Never Regret It!!!" Also, "Don't Judge Others", but "Do Judge
Yourself, To See How You Can Be More Like Jesus (Hebrews 12:1 ,2)!"

"If you were God (The Everlasting Judge!!!). would you say (Being Totally Honest and True Without A Shadow Of
A Doubt). that your life is a reflection of the Lord Jesus Christ("A Christian")? Dear brother/sister in Christ. you
and l .will never have the "Right" to judge anyone, except our own personal actions toward the Lord (According to
the Bible and the Holy Spirit's Conviction of Sin). So let's. just leave it up to God to do the "Judging In People's
The End!!!  

***Give Your Heart To Jesus Christ Everyday Of Your Life!!!

***By Evangelist Rev. Clifford M. Smith 

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